Laws Administered
- Companies Ordinance (Cap10A)
- Registration of Business Names Act 1988
- Moneylenders’ Act 1988
Primary Functions
- Facilitates applications for business and companies’ registration and incorporation,
- Monitor legal compliance on business and companies’ registrations at national level,
- Provide businesses registry services and advices, and
- On-going review and development of all business registration laws at national level.
Current Updates
- The division is engaging with PSDI in reviewing the Companies Ordinance (Cap10a) and Registration of Business Names Act 1988, and
- Undertaking institutional restructuring to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in executing the primary functions of the Registrar of Companies.
The following fees shall be payable:-
Section 6 of CAP10A
- For inspection of any register kept by the Registrar, a fee of 50 cents
- For a copy supplied by the Registrar of any documents or part of any document, a fee of 50 cents per page
Section 9 of CAP10A
- Upon the first $10,000 of the authorized share capital a fee of $3.00 per $100 of such share (subject to a minimum fee of $250), and
- Upon the next $40,000 of share capital, a fee of $2.00 per $100, and
- Upon any residue of such share capital, a fee of $0.50 cents per $100.
Provide the maximum fee for a company incorporated before the 1st April 1981 shall be $500.
Section 14 of CAP10A
- For reservation of a company name, a fee of $50.00
- For approval of Registrar to a change of name (otherwise than a change of name directed by the Registrar pursuant to Section 14(3) and (4), a fee of $50.00
Section 24 of CAP10A
- For inspection of the Register of Members, a fee of 50 cents
- For a copy of the Register of Members or any part thereof, a fee of 50 cents per page
Section 43 of CAP10A
For registration of any resolution passed pursuant to section 42 of the Ordinance, a fee of $50 together with a fee of $2 per $100 of the first $40,000 of any increase in authorized share capital effected thereby and a fee of 50 cents per $100 of any residue of any such increase.
For More information Please Email: ttamoa@commerce.gov.ki
BRC Divisions

Kinateao Rokonimwane
Assistant Business Registration Officer