+686 75126156 admins@commerce.gov.ki

Countdown to World Quality Day








Quality Promotion Division

Overview of the National Quality Policy

The NQP is the outcomes of a series consultations with various stakeholders for the formulation of the Policy. It is a high level document reflecting the country’s goals and objectives in respect to quality of goods and services produced and traded nationally and abroad.

The NQP embodies a vision,  goal and objectives for implementing quality at the  national level


The overall objectives of the NQP is to improve and strengthen the Quality Infrastructure System (QIS) in Kiribati and to support the producers and exporters of goods and services to comply with the national and international standards for boosting competitiveness in all spheres of economic activity


Kiribati’s products and services comply with relevant standards and technical regulations on regional and international markets, thus withstanding comparison to similar products and services from other countries


To realise an effective national Quality Infrastructure System (QIS) cable of raising the quality of products and services, thus boosting Kiribati’s export-led growth while providing for better well-being for I_Kiribati.

For More information Please Email: quality@commerce.gov.ki

Kiribati Quality Policy

BPC Divisions


Teretia Aritaake

Teretia Aritaake

Assistant Quality Promotion Officer


Joe Tiira

Joe Tiira

Assistant Quality Promotion Officer
