Our Office
MTCIC broadly comprises the Administration Centre, Business Promotion Centre (BPC), the Business Regulatory Centre (BRC) and a branch Office in Kiritimati Island (Figures 1). The Administration Centre oversees the operations of all the centres and divisions. Its main functions include personnel, budget, information planning and management. BPC, on the other hand, consists of five Divisions: Trade Promotion Division, Local Industry Promotion Division, Business Promotion Division, Investment Promotion Division and the Quality Promotion Division. The BRC constitutes four Divisions, namely Business & Company Regulatory Division, Consumer Protection Division, Intellectual Property DIvision and Cooperatives & Credit Union Regulatory Division. The Kiritimati office executes similar roles with a view to contributing to the overall mandate of the Ministry of Line and Phoenix Islands Development (MLPID).
For More information Please Email: om@commerce.gov.ki
MCIC Event
Consumer Right Day
15th March 2020
Intellectual Property Day
26th April 2020
Cooperatives Day
6th July 2020
World Quality Day
14 November 2020
Dubai Expo
October 2020 - April 2021
National Trade Show
28th December 2020