The Trade Promotion Division, of the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives, is responsible for the formulation and development of appropriate policies and strategies, in consultation with national stakeholders, on trade policy and promotion.
A key task of the division is to ensure that Kiribati’s obligations in, bilateral, regional and international trading arrangements are effectively implemented to ensure benefits from membership to such agreements are realised.
Kiribati’s engagement in regional trading arrangements is motivated by the Kiribati’s 20 Year Vision Plan (KV20), Kiribati Development Plan and the Trade Policy Framework which seeks to fast-track and accelerates growth through maximisation of returns from our natural, human and cultural capital.
Kiribati is not a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) but is party to the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA) and Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus. Kiribati is also considering accession to Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (I-EPA) as guided by the Trade Policy Framework.
The Trade Promotion Division serves as the secretariat for the National Trade Advisory Committee (NTAC).
For More information Please Email: kiribatitrade@commerce.gov.ki
Kiribati Trade Policy Framework
E-Trade Readiness Assessment Report