+686 75126156 admins@commerce.gov.ki

Countdown to Cooperatives Day








Countdown to Credit Union Day








Business Promotion Division

by | Aug 11, 2023

Key Roles of the Division Include:

  1. Undertaking Business survey to inform the  National Business Award
  2. Organising National Business Award
  3. Implementing Financial literacy training programmes
  4. Implementing business and cooperative development programmes
  5. Undertaking Business development Skills
  6. Implementing  Start Your Business (SYB) and Improve Your Business (IYB), programmes
  7. Assisting the businesses in Developing Business Plans
  8. Monitoring the Overall Business environment –Ease of Doing Business
  9. Organizing the National Cooperative Day
  10. Organizing the National Credit Union Day
  11. Implementing Business, Credit Union and Cooperatives Development Programs

For More information Please Email: business@commerce.gov.ki

BPC Divisions

Business Promotion Event

Cooperatives Day 6th July 2019
Business Award Day 6th July 2019
Credit Union Day 17th October 2019

National Business Award 2023 13th Jan 2023
National Cooperative Day 1st July 2023
National Credit Union Day 17th October 2023


Please contact the following

Awaki Timoara: Assistant Coopertive Promotion Officer - atimoara@commerce.gov.ki

Kaure: Ag. Assistant Credit Union Promotion Officer - knakabuta@commerce.gov.ki

Tiaa Uriam: Assistant Business Promotion Officer - turiam@commerce.gov.ki