+686 75126156 admins@commerce.gov.ki


Consumer Protection Unit is a department mandated to regulate the Consumer Protection Act 2001. This Act protects consumers from any unfair trade and prescribes a standard for product performance and safety.

This unit, jointly with Consumer international (CI), annually celebrates Consumer Rights Day on March 15.


  • CONSUMER means a person or enterprise who acquires goods or services from any supplier, including a manufacturer, trader, or provider of services or advice;


  • The Act includes provisions such as:
    • Allows the Ministry to set appropriate standards for product safety and performance;
    • Requires that vendors provide a receipt for goods and services when requested;
    • Requires the display of price and stale date information;
    • Allows the Minister to recall products that fail to meet the relevant standards; and
    • Prohibits misleading and deceptive practices by traders and service providers.


  1. The right to Basic Needs

The right to basic goods and services which guarantee survival: adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care, education and sanitation.

  1. The Right to safety

The right to be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision of services that are hazardous to health and life.

  1. The right to be informed.

The right to be protected against dishonest or misleading advertising or labeling. The right to be given the facts and information needed to make an informed choice which includes: labeling, packaging, advertising, and publicity.

  1. The right to choose.

The right to choose products and services at competitive price with assurance of satisfactory quality and have access to a variety of products and services.

  1. The right to be heard.

The right to have consumer interests represented and expressed in the making and execution of government policy.

  1. The right to redress.

The right to fair settlement of just claims, to be compensated for misrepresentation of shoddy goods or unsatisfactory services.

  1. The right to consumer Education.

The right to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed, confident choices about goods and services while being aware of basic consumer rights and responsibilities and how to act on them.

  1. The right to a Healthy Environment.

The right to live or work in an environment which is neither threatening nor dangerous and which permits a life of dignity and well-being for present and future generation..


  1. Critical Awareness

Consumers must be awakened to be more questioning about the quality and availability of goods and services

  1. Involvement

Consumers must get involved and act to ensure that they get a fair deal.

  1. Social responsibility

Consumers must act with concern and sensitivity to the impact of their actions on other citizens

  1. Ecological Responsibility

Consumers must act to ensure that their Consumption of goods and services does not harm the environment

  1. Solidarity

Consumers need to work together to ensure the consumer message is heard and is acted upon


  • Keep the receipt for goods you purchased or service you retained.
  • Then lodge your complaint by visiting our office during working hours. Our address is Ministry of Commerce Industry Cooperative, Takoronga Betio opposite KIT and we are open from 8am to 4:15pm
  • Visit our Facebook account Consumer Empowerment Forum Kiribati for more details.