IP Progress and Recent Developments
Intellectual Property Progress and Recent Developments
- This is the third time Kiribati will participate in celebrating the Intellectual Property Day through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives in April. Since the 26th of April, 2020 falls on a Sunday, the main event is rescheduled to be celebrated on Friday, 24th April, 2020. The theme for the day is “Innovate for a Green Future.” Responsible staffs are now busy with preparations, and there is an expectation that upon confirmation and finalization of activity arrangements for the event, awareness and drama show will be conducted soon through media, visiting High Schools and tertiaries prior this event in order to widen public awareness on the Intellectual Property Day, relevant important roles and administered laws of the Intellectual Property.
- In 2019, IPR awareness had been conducted to outer islands such as Tabiteuea, Arorae, Butaritari and Beru.
Endorsement and Implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy (NIPS) 2017 is in progress with the review and amendment of all out-dated Intellectual Property Law reflected below:
Review of all outdated IPR / Implementation of IPR legislations |
Status |
Commencement Dates |
Comment |
Copyright Act 2018 & Copyright Regulation 2019 |
Done |
August 2018 |
There are number of 400 copyright works registered due that the registration is free!
Trademark Act 2019 |
Done |
August 2019 |
Trademark Regulation draft under review by the Office of Attorney General The registration system remain used the United Kingdom Trademark Ordinance (Cap 88) There are 4,410 registered Trademarks in Kiribati
Industrial Design |
To be considered in the next proceeding |
Patent Act 2022 |
Done |
December 2022 |
Patent Regulation yet to be draft. More capacity building training on Patent examination and Technical Assistance needs from WIPO The patent registration system remain used the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Ordinance |
For an effective system of IPR, Kiribati should acceded into certain agreements and treaties. Below are updated information in relation to acceded treaties or agreements:
Treaties |
Acceded Yes / No |
Date of Accession |
Purpose |
Berne Convention |
Yes |
2/10/2017 |
Protection of Artistic and Literary works |
Marrakesh Treaty |
Yes |
31/7/2019 |
Facilitate access to published works for persons who are blind, visually impaired, or otherwise print disabled |
WIPO Copyright Treaty(WCT) WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT)
Yes | 22/32021 |
WCT is a special agreement under the Berne Convention that deals with the protection of works and the rights of their authors in the digital environment Deals with the two kinds of beneficiaries, particularly in the digital environment: Performers (actors, singers, |
Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performance (BTAP) | The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances was adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, which took place in Beijing from June 20 to 26, 2012. The Treaty deals with the intellectual property rights of performers in audiovisual performances. |
Paris Convention | Yes | 5/11/2021 | Protection of Industrial property including patents, trademarks, industrial designs, utility models, service marks, trade names, geographical indications and the repression of unfair competition |
Nagoya Protocol | Yes | 2/9/2021 | The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity |
Madrid protocol Hague Agreement Patent Cooperation Treaty |
Considered to be acceded | ||
IP Links
IP Event
Intellectual Property Day - 26th April 2019