Honorable Minister Tangariki Reete
Minister of Tourism, Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives
This strategic plan, covering the period 2016 – 2019, will guide the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives (MTCIC) in creating a business environment that is conducive for private sector, investment, and trade, cooperative and industrial development with a view to increasing sustainable economic growth and improved standard of living for all I-Kiribati citizens by 2019. The plan, which is the product of consultations with the relevant MTCIC divisions and external partners, establishes strategic framework for planning and delivery of the Ministry’s mandates as well as for monitoring and evaluating performance.
In the plan, the Ministry defines its vision and mission, objectives and strategies, and sets out the key performance benchmarks envisaged for the next four years. The plan builds on the lessons learnt from the previous MTCIC strategic and Development Plans. It takes cognizance of the challenges arising from an unfavourable business environment, ongoing engagement for deeper regional integration through trade agreements and the need to enhance business opportunities in the outer Islands and the entire Line and Phoenix group to enhance inclusive regional and sustainable development.
The commercial and industrial sectors are critical in realising the aspirations contained in the Kiribati Development Plan and ensuring that I-Kiribati enjoy a high standard of living. To realise this, the Ministry will use all available resources as efficiently as possible in order to maximise results and receive value for money. The plan will guide resource allocation efforts and performance assessment towards achievement of results. It provides clear goals, strategies and objectives to be realised over the planning period.
It is my belief that all stakeholders will find this plan a useful tool for collaboration and implementation of the various strategies outlined herein, and that the plan will enable us to use our limited resources more efficiently as well as increase accountability as we enhance the overall standard of living of I-Kiribati.